Liat Itzhaki
Liat’s debut album appeared in 2012 and is made up, for the most part, of her original songs and compositions. Her lyrics are imbued with simplicity, folk wisdom, and authenticity, and her music is rich and multicultural. The album was warmly praised by critics; its songs were heard often on the radio and were incorporated into various musical projects on television and in the theater.
The Association of Composers, Authors, and Publishers of Music in Israel (ACUM) awarded Liat its annual prize for the songs on this album, and the spirit of the album is captured in the judges’ reviews: “We found Liat Itzhaki’s work to be distinctive and original… It is all truly pleasant and special, and anyone hearing them must find her songs touching and heart-warming. The rhythms, the ethnic tones, and the lyrics take the listener to far-away places, and for this reason, we decided to encourage her work and award her the prize.”
Those who directed the production: the esteemed producer and pianist Nadav Biton and the French producer Jean-Pierre Taïeb. The many artists and musicians who contributed to the album include Dudu Tassa, Sagiv Cohen, Zohar Fresco, Hila Alpert, Alon Oleartchik, Maya Belsitzman and Gadi Gidur. Among the most notable songs on the album are Israeli Dance Prize winner “Ein li Davar”, written in memory of fallen soldier Gad Ezra z”l, “Or min haMizrach” and “Sima”.
Eize Yamim
Etz haRimon
Yomi veLeyli
V’Az Tavo haAhava
Shir leYaldi
Or min haMizrach
T’nu Od Ahava
Ein li Davar
Beit Shean

Ke’arot Shel Ahava
The Ke’arot Shel Ahava concept album was released in 2015.
The album is dedicated to the poetry of the renowned poet Tania Hadar z”l and all of the songs on it, save for “Bo’ee Eema” and “Eema Hachi Nehederet”, were composed by Liat.
The musical production was led by the international producer and pianist Adi Hayat. The album’s sixth track, “B’Shir Ma’alot Charuch”, was selected for Israel’s 2015 Poetry Festival. The album was acclaimed by critics and its songs were used as the soundtrack for the Ke’arot shel Ahava show starring Michal Hadar-Peretz, Tania’s daughter.
B’Shir Ma’alot Charuch
Ke’arot shel Ahava
B’Kayitz b’Yerushalayim
Eema Hachi Nehederet
Nesoga el Chatzrot Kodshecha
with Jacky Levy
Bo’ee Eema
V’Kol haPachad
Mapat haLev
Other albums that Liat participated in
Asuft Ahava
From the poems of the poet Sarit Plain Liat composed about half of the album's songs and performed two of them Other singers who participated in the album: Maya Avraham, Hagit Yasso, Hani Dinor, Yael Zvi and Yifat Lerner
Songs from projects
From the poems of the poet Racheli Reuven
Terii ma avart - Composer: Liat Itzhaki
Vehasimla Halevana - Composer: Liat Itzhaki
Gam im isgeru et aolam - Composer: Liat Itzhaki
Ruth - Composer: Liat Itzhaki
Tsaad Kadima
In this album, Liat performs the songs “Kinneret” (better known as “Sham Harei Golan”) and “Levav Enosh”. Numerous artists took part in the project, including Yardena Arazi, Shlomi Shabat, Avihu Medina, Ruhama Raz, and Sagiv Cohen.

“Kinneret” (“Sham Harei Golan”) and “Levav Enosh”
B’Sod haOtiot
The B’Sod haOtiot Hebrew reading curriculum is taught in schools in Israel and Jewish communities around the world. In 2014, Liat was selected from among a number of artists to write and compose songs for the curriculum.

“Shir haOtiot”

Harel Moyal – Debut Album
On his debut album, Harel Moyal performs “Ein li Davar”, written and composed by Liat
Ein li Davar”, performed by Harel Moyal
KoaH Leehov
Lyrics: Shimarit Feuchtunger Music and vocals: Liat Itzhaki
Hatishma Koli
Words: Rachel Music: Yosef Mostaki
Esperando un poco más
Lyrics: Yehezkel Rahamim Music: Liat Yitzhaki Lyrics: Liat Itzhaki, Adi Hayit
Bat HaMakom 2
"This album is a collection of authentic and unique women’s songs, on which Liat sings “Or min haMizrach

Shir v’Zikaron 2016
The Shir v’Zikaron musical project, a collaboration between Reshet Gimmel Kol Yisrael, Linktone, Ynet, and Yad l’Banim compiles a celebratory album consisting of songs from leading Israeli artists. For the 2016 album, Liat recorded her composition “Hashkiveini l’Shalom”, which sets to music words written by Na’ama Henkin z”l. Among the other artists featured on the album were Riki Gal, Sarit Hadad, Danny Robas, Kobi Aflalo, Yonatan Razel, and Ishai Ribo.

“Hashkiveini l’Shalom”

Asi Bi Kirva
Hashmee'ni Kolech
The album is dedicated to the poetry of Chelly Reuven. In this album, Liat copmposed and performs the songs - Asi Bi Kirva
Refa Na La
Words: Dr. Yaakov Maoz, composer: Liat Itzhaki
Shoshanat Plaim
Lyrics: Shaul Tschernihovsky Music: Zvika Pick
Lyrics and music: Ili Botner Arabic lyrics: Ilham Elnimar